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Way Forward | Pendleton United Methodist Church

The Way Forward

All Methodist Churches will decide their own path forward. It is the goal of The PUMC Path Forward Committee to provide members information that will bring more clarity to all sides of the issue. Additionally, we will provide a more comprehensive evaluation of the cost of disaffiliation and alternative strategies going forward. We ask that you read all the information and attend all called meetings. This is a critical time for our church. We pray that everyone will be engaged. One of the most asked questions is, "How did we get to this point". Please carefully and thoroughly study the attachment. More information concerning all issues will be available in the coming weeks.

With absolute certainty, no one can predict the future of the United Methodist Church as it relates to human sexuality issues. Technically, it is true the present UMC Book of Discipline has not changed to allow self-avowed practicing homosexuals to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, perform same sex marriages, or be appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church. Additionally, no board, agency, committee, commission, or council shall give United Methodist funds to any gay caucus or group, or otherwise use such funds to promote the acceptance of homosexuality or violate the expressed commitment of The United Methodist Church "not to reject or condemn lesbian and gay members and friends". The council has the right to stop such expenditures. Homosexuality: Full Book of Discipline statements (umc.org) One issue of disaffiliating churches is concern that the Book of Discipline will be fundamentally changed to accommodate the issues mentioned above. For churches that stay it may be helpful to know the positions of the newest bishops taking office this year. They will play a powerful role in the future direction of the UMC. Below are statements concerning LGBTQ+ issues and their feelings about changing the wording in the current Discipline. Change would seem inevitable. According to some articles, all 13 new bishops favor changing the language of the Book of Discipline’s definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. They would endorse the ordination of practicing gay and lesbian pastors and support the ability of pastors to perform same-sex weddings.
The Path Forward Committee

Use the links below for more information related to our Way Forward.

How did we get here?

Decision Tree

Glossary of Terms for the United Methodist Church.pdf

Why Separate PUMC?

Status of the UMC Rev 5-17-23


Estimate PUMC Disaffiliate UMC

A Comparison of Wesleyan Denominations

Apportionments PUMC

Options For Handling The Cost of Disaffiliation

Announcement Sunday August 27

Blank Agreement to Separate

United Methodist Church - Global Methodist Church

Global Methodist Focus

Recap of UMC Conference

When & Where

Map of Pendleton United Methodist Church Pendleton SC 29670

217 S Broad St

Pendleton, SC 29670

9am In-Person Modern Service (Social  Hall)

9am Live Stream Modern Service

10am Sunday School

11am In-Person Traditional Service (Sanctuary)

11am Live Stream Traditional Service