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Making A Way | Pendleton United Methodist Church

Making A Way

The following Power Point presentation is a summary of the work done by the “Making a Way” committee. Assigned by the COS, their mission was to 1) evaluate possible denominational options should our church vote to separate from the UMC. 2) Based on their findings, make a recommendation to the COS which denomination best meets the needs of our church. Attached is a summary of the presentation made to the COS. Should PUMC elect to separate, additional congregational meetings will be held for everyone to learn details about options. A vote will take place and a majority vote will determine our path forward.

Making A Way (Recommendation to COS)

Most of the questions coming from the congregation concerning denomination options, should we elect to separate, concern the Global Methodist Church (GMC). Below are the notes from a meeting with a GMC pastor and temporary officer of the newly formed denomination. We include it for your reading only to show that reasonable options exist. A final decision on denomination choice will be made by a majority vote of our church membership at an appropriate time after the vote on separation (January 21, 2004).

FAQ Global Methodist Church

On Sunday January 28 th the Making a Way Committee presented to the congregation their rationale for recommending the Global Methodist Church as the best denomination option for PUMC going forward. Reverend Erik Grayson presented an in-depth discussion explaining why The GMC was formed and why many separating and disaffiliating churches are joining the denomination. Below you will find a link directly to our website that contains his presentation from the 28th, PowerPoint and a FAQ page on the Global Methodist Church. Please take the time to listen. He was able to answer all questions from those that attended. Reverend Grayson is very knowledgeable and effective speaker.
Start watching Rev. Grayson around the 21 minute mark:

Reverend Grayson Global Methodist Church

Again, it is our goal to make a timely transition through our next stages. We know that if we can comfortably approve The Making a Way Committee recommendation, we will be able to best position our church for best available pastors and make our transition seamless. We want to answer every question you may have. Attached you will find the cell phone numbers of each member of both The Making a Way and Way Forward Committees. Call or text any of us with all your questions or concerns. If you would prefer, you can email your questions to Lynn Greene at the church office at pendletonumcsecretary@gmail. Additionally, on Sunday February 11 th members from the committees will be available during the Sunday School hour so that you can drop in to meet with them personally to have your question answered. They will be in the Social Hall. If the feedback remains positive during the next month, we will have a combined worship service on February 25 to vote to accept (yes) or reject (no) the Way Forward Committee Recommendation. A simple majority vote will decide. Additional information will follow as the vote date approaches

When & Where

Map of Pendleton United Methodist Church Pendleton SC 29670

217 S Broad St

Pendleton, SC 29670

9am In-Person Modern Service (Social  Hall)

9am Live Stream Modern Service

10am Sunday School

11am In-Person Traditional Service (Sanctuary)

11am Live Stream Traditional Service